Men’s Squad


Praveen Ahilan
Caps: 2
Clean Sheets: 1

Jerome Marusilin
Caps: 1
Clean Sheets: 0

Akash Jeyakaran
Caps: 1
Clean Sheets: 1

Manojan Sriranjan
Caps: 1
Clean Sheets: 0


Ninon Paskarajesudasan
Caps: 3
Goals: 0

Thomas Thevasahayam
Caps: 3
Goals: 1

Keerthihan Kalaialagan
Caps: 3
Goals: 0

Jeya Siva
Caps: 3
Goals: 0

Sujeen Ravinchandran
Caps: 2
Goals: 1

Julian Aloyseous
Caps: 1
Goals: 0

Majuran Panchalingam
Caps: 1
Goals: 0

Niroshan Anandarajah
Caps: 1
Goals: 0


Panushanth Kulenthiran
Caps: 11
Goals: 8

Mayooran Chelliah
Caps: 9
Goals: 1

Janothan Perananthan
Caps: 6
Goals: 1

Steven Sacayaradjy
Caps: 3
Goals: 1

Senthuran Uthayasuthan
Caps: 3
Goals: 6

Thomas Aloyseous
Caps: 2
Goals: 1

Kisanthan Nagarasa
Caps: 1
Goals: 0

Shara Sivananthan
Caps: 1
Goals: 0


Prashanth Ragavan
Caps: 15
Goals: 12

Gvinthan Navaneethakrishnan
Caps: 15
Goals: 8

Nirun Sivananthan
Caps: 8
Goals: 2

Kasthuran Chelliah
Caps: 6
Goals: 2

Kirushan Confucious
Caps: 2
Goals: 0

Agash Pathi
Caps: 1
Goals: 2
Praveen AhilanCaps: 2Clean Sheets: 1

Praveen AhilanCaps: 2Clean Sheets: 1

Praveen AhilanCaps: 2Clean Sheets: 1

Praveen AhilanCaps: 2Clean Sheets: 1

Vice President

Lana Astry

Vice President Chief of Design

Amir Reefe

Chief of Design Chief of Development

Ali Abrams

Chief of Development Chief of Finance

Jiyoung Kim

Chief of Finance

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